Own Your Outcome

There is a phrase I increasingly find myself repeating to others, especially in the past several weeks: Own your outcomes.  I am not the originator of this statement, but I fully embrace it and I pass it on when mentoring others, whether it be professionally or personally.

Own your outcomes.

I am solely responsible for my decisions.

I cannot let fear of making a mistake keep me from making decisions and moving forward.  The best I can do is arm myself with knowledge to mitigate risks that I might encounter.

The successful outcomes from my decisions are my celebrations.

The unsuccessful outcomes become my opportunities for learning and growth and the building blocks for future success.

I must have confidence in myself rooted in my knowledge, my experiences, and my abilities.

Whether it is my career, my business, or my interpersonal relationships; I own my outcomes.

And if I make a mistake, I have the confidence and grace to own that too.  Because mistakes are not stumbling blocks.  They are building blocks to becoming the best version of yourself but only if you make a commitment to change and growth.

Confidence is Queen.   If you don’t have confidence in yourself, if you are constantly seeking reassurance and approval from someone else, or assigning blame to someone else for your decisions, then you are not owning your outcomes.  Your fairy godmother is not going to show up and save the day for you.

Own it and embrace it!  The rewards make the journey through life fulfilling.

Me at Fifty-Three

On February 17, 2022, I turned 53 years old.

Everyone kept asking me was doing for my birthday.  But for the first time in several years, I did not have specific plans.  I spent my birthday in quiet reflection and sketching out plans for what I wanted to really focus on in my life moving forward.

One thing that has been consistent with me for several years has been an ongoing focus on becoming the best version of myself and placing priority on the things that define who I am and make me happy.  As I reflect over the years, I would not go back and change anything about my how I have lived my life up to this point.  The reason why I would not change anything is that my experiences have shaped who I am today. That said, I have not always lived my life for myself.  For many years, I structured what I did around the expectations of others, namely my family.  At times I let my hopes and dreams take a backseat to provide for the immediate needs of others.  But there came a time that I began to define my life on my own terms.  The road to full self-actualization was a long one, and even to this day I must navigate detours in my life to travel back to the main road.  The difference this time is that I am firmly in the driver’s seat.

While I have owned this blog site for many years, I am now focused on giving it a brand-new life.  I want to share my stories and experiences.  I feel it is important for women to see themselves in others.  I have been blessed to have support in my life’s journey from a strong circle of sister-friends.  They have inspired me, and I pray I have inspired them in return.  My goal is for this space to become an extension of that circle and to inspire others to embrace the journey of becoming their authentic selves.  If you are reading this today, I want you to realize that learning never stops.  Your transformation to a new you can happen at any age.  You can reinvent and reintroduce yourself at any time.

Let me reintroduce myself.  I am Ponya M. Bishop and I am living my best life!  This is me at Fifty-Three!